सोमवार व्रत कथा (८/९)

somkvar vrat katha

Monday Fast

Both of them walked to the same Pratapnagar city, where he was married.On reaching Pratapnagar, they organised a yagya there.
Incidentally the king of that city passed through that place.
When the king saw the moneylender's son perform the yagya, he immediately recognized.So,he(king) brought both of them to the palace.
They were very honored by keeping them in the palace for some days and then giving them a lot of money, precious gold-jewelery and clothes, sent them with the princess.Apart from slaves and maids, send many soldiers with them for their safety.
When they reached near his city, maternal uncle said that first I go to your house and inform everyone.
At that time, the moneylender and his wife were sitting on their terrace and they had vowed that if his son came to home safely, he would agree to come down happily otherwise he will die from the roof.
At that time, the boy's maternal uncle went and gave the news that your son has arrived.But they did not believe